9th SIM Doctoral Colloquium. University of Bologna-Rimini Campus (June 2023)

The SIM Doctoral Colloquium offers doctoral students in marketing an opportunity to meet and discuss their research project and results with leading academics in the field.

The colloquium welcomes a wide range of topics, applications, and methods in marketing. It aims to support young scholars in the development of their dissertations by strengthening the theoretical, methodological, and practical relevance of their research. This will be done by stimulating the debate with the faculty members as well as with the fellow doctoral students.

The faculty of the SIM Doctoral Colloquium strongly encourages the participation of PhD students both at early and more advanced stages. Students in the 1st or 2nd year of their PhD program could benefit from discussions and insights on the relevance of their ideas and suggestions on their methodological approach, as well as explore possible research opportunities at international institutions. Students in the final years of their PhD program could receive feedback on their dissertations, advice on how to target their projects for submission to leading marketing journals, and on potential future research and professional directions.

Each participant admitted to the colloquium will be assigned both a peer discussant and a faculty discussant based on their substantive or methodological background in order to favor the exchange of ideas, comments and insights. The ultimate goal of the colloquium is to create a collaborative and stimulating exchange among all participants, offering a friendly atmosphere that could favor networking and the creation of personal relationships, encouraging interactions among PhD students and faculty members.

Under the partnership with the Academy of Marketing Science, the faculty will assign two scholarships of $2000 to the best projects presented within the SIM-AMS research agreement, which aims at facilitating connections and access to the international marketing community for young scholars.

SIM Colloquium Faculty:

  • Marco Visentin, Department of Management, Università di Bologna, Italy.
  • Irene Scopelliti, Bayes Business School, City University of London, London, United Kingdom.
  • Charles Hofacker, College of Business, Florida State University, Tallahassee, United States.

International Faculty:

  • Kristin Diehl, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, United States.
  • Gabriele Paolacci, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, The Netherlands.
  • Ana Valenzuela, Baruch College, City University of New York, United States.


Admission will be based on a competitive process that will take into account the relevance of the contribution of the research proposal, the quality and comprehensiveness of the theoretical framework, and the overall clarity of the presentation of the research proposal.

Presentations and discussions will be exclusively in English.


  • Papers submission deadline: March 31, 2023
  • Authors notified of submission outcome: April 14, 2023.
  • Registration deadline: May 7, 2023.
  • Doctoral Colloquium: 13 and 14, June



Students wishing to attend the SIM Colloquium are required to send a word document to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before March 31, 2023. The document must include:

  • Title page, including full contact details, a concise title of the proposal and abstract (no more than 120 words).
  • Introduction, including the positioning, the contribution (theoretical/methodological/practical) of the study and the overall research
  • Theoretical background, including a literature review, the theoretical framework and research questions and/or
  • Research design and Methodology, including preliminary analyses if data are Outline of the data collection and modeling if the project includes quantitative methods. Outline of the qualitative methodology otherwise.
  • Brief discussion and conclusions, including possible limitations of the study and future research
  • Full list of references (APA style).


The word document should not exceed 7 pages including title page, text, references, tables and figures. The document should have 2.5cm margins all around, font Times New Roman 11pt, and space 1.5 lines. Language of the document: English.

Submissions that do not follow the guidelines may be rejected.

REGISTRATION FEE: 200 Euros (https://www.simktg.it/event/doctoral-colloquium-and-research/)   

The registration fee includes participation to the Colloquium, two lunches, and one dinner.

For any questions contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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