Edición |
Año |
Candidatos |
Premiados |
1ª |
2008 |
13 |
Premio: Óscar González Benito, César Bustos Reyes y Pablo Muñoz Gallego de la Universidad de Salamanca: “Isolating the geodemographic characterization of retail format choice from the effects of spatial convenience”, Marketing Letters, 18(1), 45-59. |
2ª |
2009 |
7 |
Premio: Junhong Chu de University of Singapore, Pradeep Chintagunta de University of Chicago y Javier Cebollada Calvo de la Universidad de Navarra: “A comparison of within household price sensitivity across online and offline channels”, Marketing Science, 27(2), 283-299. |
3ª |
2010 |
9 |
Premio: Pilar Carbonell de York University (Canadá), Ana Isabel Rodríguez Escudero de la Universidad de Valladolid y Devashish Pujari de University in Hamilton (Canadá): “Customer involvement in new service development: an examination of antecedents and outcomes”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26, 537-551. |
4ª |
2011 |
9 |
Premio: Sergio Román Nicolás de la Universidad de Murcia y Dawn Iacobucci de Vanderbilt University: “Antecedents and consequences of adaptive selling confidence and behaviour: a dyadic analysis of salespeople and their customers”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38(3), 363-382. |
5ª |
2012 |
15 |
Premio: Juan Carlos Gázquez Abad de la Universidad de Almería, Marie H. de Canniére de Ghent University y Francisco Martínez López de la Universidad de Granada: “Dynamics of customer response to promotional and relational direct mailings from an apparel retailer: moderating role of relationship strength”, Journal of Retailing, 87(2), 166-181. |
6ª |
2013 |
14 |
Premio: María Leticia Santos Vijande de la Universidad de Oviedo, José Ángel López Sánchez de la Universidad de la Universidad de Extremadura y Juan Antonio Trespalacios Gutiérrez de la Universidad de Oviedo: “How organizational learning affects a firm’s flexibility, competitive strategy, and performance”, Journal of Business Research, 65(8), 1079-1089. Mención honorífica: Peter Leeflang de University of Groningen y Josefa Parreño Selva de la Universidad de Alicante: “Cross-category demand effects of price promotions”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40(4), 572-586. |
7ª |
2014 |
21 |
Premio: Martina González-Gallarza de la Universidad de Valencia, Francisco Arteaga de la Universidad Católica de Valencia e Irene Gil Saura de la Universidad de Valencia: “The value of volunteering in special events: a longitudinal study”, Annals of Tourism Research, 40, 105-131. |
8ª |
2015 |
n.d. |
Premio: Inés López López y Salvador Ruiz de Maya de la Universidad de Murcia y Luk Warlop de University of Leuven (Bélgica): “When sharing consumption emotions with strangers in more satisfying than sharing them with friends”, Journal of Service Research, 17(4), 475-488. |
9ª |
2016 |
n.d. |
Premio: Jesús Cambra Fierro, Iguácel Melero Polo y Francisco Javier Sesé de la Universidad de Zaragoza: “Managing complaints to improve customer profitability”, Journal of Retailing, 91, 109-124. Accésit: Belén Bande de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Pilar Fernández Ferrín de la Universidad del País Vasco, José Antonio Varela González de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela y Fernando Jaramillo de Texas University (USA): “Emotions and salesperson propensity to leave: the effects of emotional intelligence and resilience”, Industrial Marketing Management, 44, 142-153. Accésit: Luis Vicente Casaló Ariño, Carlos Flavián Blanco y Miguel Guinalíu Blanco de la Universidad de Zaragoza y Yuksel Ekinci de University of Reading (UK): “Avoiding the dark side of positive online consumer reviews: enhancing reviews’ usefulness for high risk-averse travellers”, Journal of Business Research, 68(9), 1829-1835. |
10ª |
2017 |
n.d. |
Premio: Yolanda Polo Redondo y Francisco Javier Sesé Oliván de la Universidad de Zaragoza: “Does the nature of the interaction matter? Understanding customer channel choice for purchases and communications”, Journal of Service Research, 19(3), 276-290. Accésit: Richard Bagozzi de University of Michigan, Daniel Belanche Gracia, Luis Vicente Casaló Ariño y Carlos Flavián Blanco de la Universidad de Zaragoza: “The role of anticipated emotions in purchase intentions”, Psychology & Marketing, 33(8), 629-645. Accésit: Natalia Vila López e Inés Küster Boluda de la Universidad de Valencia: “Adolescents’ food packaging perceptions. Does gender matter when weight control and health motivations are considered”, Food Quality and Preference, 52, 179-187. |
11ª |
2018 |
n.d. |
Premio: Martin Eisend de European University Viadrina, Patrick Hartmann y Vanessa Apaolaza de la Universidad del País Vasco: “Who buys counterfeit luxury brands? A meta-analytic synthesis of consumers in developing and developed markets”, Journal of International Marketing, 25(4), 89-111. Accésit: Daniel Belanche Gracia, Carlos Flavián Blanco y Alfredo Luis Pérez Rueda de la Universidad de Zaragoza: “Understanding interactive online advertising: congruence and product involvement in highly and lowly arousing, skippable video ads”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 37, 75-88. Accésit: María Hidalgo Baz, Mercedes Martos Partal y Javier González Benito de la Universidad de Salamanca: “Attitudes vs. purchase behaviors as experienced dissonance: The roles of knowledge and consumer orientations inorganic market”, Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 248. |
12ª |
2019 |
14 |
Premio: Andrew Petersen de University Park (USA), V. Kumar de Singapore Management University, Yolanda Polo Redondo y Francisco Javier Sesé Oliván de la Universidad de Zaragoza: “Unlocking the power of marketing: understanding the links between customer mindset metrics, behaviour, and profitability”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46(5), 813-836. Accésit: Concepción Varela Neira, Marisa del Río Araujo y Emilio Ruzo San Martín de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela: “How and when a salesperson’s perception of organizational politics relates to proactive performance”, European Management Journal, 36, 660-670. Accésit: Luis Alberto Casado Aranda, Francisco Liébana Cabanillas y Juan Sánchez Fernández de la Universidad de Granada: “A neuropsychological study on how consumers process risky and secure e-payments”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 43, 151-164. |
13ª |
2020 |
14 |
Premio: Carlos Flavián Blanco de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Raquel Gurrea Sarasa de la Universidad de La Rioja y Carlos Orús Sanclemente de la Universidad de Zaragoza: “Feeling confident and smart with webrooming: understanding the consumer's path to satisfaction”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 47, 1-15. Accésit: Salvador del Barrio García de la Universidad de Granada, Wagner Kamakura de Rice University (USA) y Teodoro Luque Martínez de la Universidad de Granada: “A longitudinal cross-product analysis of media-budget allocations: how economic and technological disruptions affected media choices across industries”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 45, 1-15. Accésit: David Jiménez Castillo y Raquel Sánchez Fernández de la Universidad de Almería: “The role of digital influencers in brand recommendation: examining their impact on engagement, expected value and purchase intention”, International Journal of Information Management, 49, 366-376. |
14ª |
2021 |
16 |
Premio: Daniel Belanche Gracia, Luis Vicente Casaló Ariño y Carlos Flavián Blanco de la Universidad de Zaragoza y Jeroen Schepers de Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands): “Robots or frontline employees? Exploring customers’ attributions of responsibility and stability after service failure or success”, Journal of Service Management, 31(2), 267-289. Accésit: Jesús Cambra Fierro de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla, Iguácel Melero Polo de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Lia Patrício de la University of Porto (Portugal) y Francisco Javier Sese de la Universidad de Zaragoza: “Channel habits and the development of successful customer-firm relationships in services”, Journal of Service Research, 23(4), 456-475. Accésit: José Julián Escario Gracia de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Carla Rodríguez Sánchez de la Universidad de Alicante y Luis Vicente Casaló Ariño de la Universidad de Zaragoza: “The influence of environmental attitudes and perceived effectiveness on recycling, reducing, and reusing packaging materials in Spain”, Waste Management, 113, 251-260. |
15ª |
2022 |
31 |
Premio: Daniel Belanche Gracia y Luis Vicente Casaló Ariño de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Jeroen Schepers de Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands) y Carlos Flavián Blanco de la Universidad de Zaragoza: “Examining the effects of robots' physical appearance, warmth, and competence in frontline services: The Humanness‐Value‐Loyalty model”, Psychology & Marketing, 38(12), 2357-2376. Accésit: Elisabeth Mora Pérez de la Universidad de Burgos y Natalia Vila López e Inés Küster Boluda de la Universidad de Valencia: “Segmenting the audience of a cause-related marketing viral campaign”. International Journal of Information Management, 59, 102296. Accésit: Jesús Cambra Fierro de la Universidad Pablo Olavide, Lily Xuehui Gao e Iguácel Melero Polo de la Universidad de Zaragoza: “The power of social influence and customer–firm interactions in predicting non-transactional behaviors, immediate customer profitability, and long-term customer value”. Journal of Business Research, 125, 103-119. |
16ª |
2023 |
32 |
Premio: Huan Liu de Nankai Business School (China) y Francisco Javier Sesé Oliván de la Universidad de Zaragoza: “The impact of mobile app adoption on cross-buying: The moderating roles of product category characteristics and adoption timing”. Journal of Retailing, 98(2), 241-259. Accésit: Luis Alberto Casado Aranda, Juan Sánchez Fernández y María Isabel Viedma del Jesús de la Universidad de Granada: “Neural Responses to Hedonic and Utilitarian Banner Ads: An fMRI Study”. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 57(2), 296-322. Accésit: Jeroen Schepers de Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands), Daniel Belanche Gracia, Luis Vicente Casaló Ariño y Carlos Flavián Blanco de la Universidad de Zaragoza: “How smart should a service robot be?” Journal of Service Research, 25(4), 565-582. |